Concerts on Market Street: Harmonious Wail
Join us on July 30 at 6:30 p.m. on the Market Street side of the library for Americana flavored Gypsy Jazz on full tilt!
With over 30 years of touring around the world Harmonious Wail continues to combine the searing wit, humor and mandolin virtuosity of vintage Jethro Burns performances, the Continental panache of Django and the charm of Edith Piaf-inspired vocals to create a unique musical journey.
Audience members are encouraged to bring chairs for the concerts; a limited amount of grassy space is available for blankets.
Cub Scout Pack 35 will be selling refreshments at the Concerts on Market Street.
Rain location: Library Community Room.
You can see the full Summer Concert Series lineup on our website:

Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
6:30 PM - 6:30 PM CDT
DeForest Area Public Library